Arm vein

How to Become a Perpetual Photographer

I’m a mean, keen, perpetual photographic machine!

Why perpetual?

We obviously will die, but I think we as humans strive for perpetual energy. I think many of us desire perpetual free time, perpetual great experiences, perpetual happiness, perpetual photographic and artistic inspiration/motivation, perpetual money and resources, etc.

Speaking for myself as a photographer-artist, my personal ambition is to never run out of inspiration, motivation, zest, or gusto for photography.

Vegas, 2019 #cindyproject

How to become perpetually motivated and inspired in photography

Some basic ideas:

  1. Never stop moving: During the day walk as much as humanly possible. Also if possible, never sit down during the day. Rest your legs by walking, or by standing and leaning up against something. I think our true source of inspiration or motivation is in our legs. Also, start doing heavy “ass to grass”squats at the gym to build your legs. Muscular legs are probably our most essential asset as photographers.
  2. Increase the speed of the feedback loop between shooting, reviewing your photos, and selecting your favorites. Also in praise of shooting JPEG, or just using the filters on iPhone (I like the noir high contrast monochrome filter).
  3. Be around a lot of people: There is nothing which inspires or motivates us more than other people. We humans are essentially social beings. Other humans (whether we love or hate them) certainly motivate us in many ways.
  4. Travel: I’m convinced that traveling is generally good for most people. It’s certainly true that most photographers discover more inspiration in foreign cities or places. I don’t think the goal is perpetual travel, but intermittent traveling.

Take your time

Don’t feel in a rush. Take your time in photography. You got your whole life to make good photos. The goal is artistic and photographic longevity; perpetual photography is the goal!


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