Born to Photograph

You were born to photograph.

If you have an interest or passion for photography– there certainly must be something in your DNA or upbringing which pre-disposes you towards photography. Perhaps it is your passion for visual shapes and forms. Perhaps it is your optical sensitivity towards colors, textures, lines, curves.

It seems most of us who are interested in photography are also interested in other visual arts. As children we may have painted, had a passion for drawing, etc. But as we got older– perhaps this passion got pushed to the side in order to focus on more “serious” studies (math, science, English, etc) — essentially anything that is good to “get into a good college” or “get a good job that makes a lot of money”.

If you were born to photograph, shouldn’t you dedicate all your time, resources, money, energy, and efforts to maximize your creative potential within photography? Shouldn’t your artwork be more essential than making money, your job, and other duty-responsibilities in your life?

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