max out abstract


Perhaps the best way to live our lives is to strive to max out everyday.

One rep max at the gym

deadlift symbol

For example when you go to the gym, don’t do boring repetitions. Rather, strive to achieve new PR’s (person records)! Focus on this ‘one rep max’ type of lifting. Your only goal during your gym session is this:

What is the maximum weight I can lift once?

For example, it don’t matter how many repetitions you can do of a certain exercise. Simply strive to increase your “one rep max” by 5 pounds every week! And if you cannot increase your PR every week; don’t fret. Just keep practicing, and never stop!

Max out creatively

Everyday strive to maximize your personal creativity. This can be done via photography, illustration– any form of artistic expression!

Treat everyday like a mini life-time

If you knew today were your last day on earth, how would you max out today?