Surpass Yourself

Just watched GATTACA for the first time — and it has a lot of interesting philosophical ideas about genetics, biological potential, and SURPASSING your “potential”(ingenuity, hustle, effort, luck).


There is a new field called “epigenetics”— which is interesting to me because it suggests that we have control over our genetics — meaning, our lifestyle, climate, food, exercise, intermittent fasting choices will effect how our genes will be expressed.

Which is super empowering — because it means that you’re not a slave to your genetics.

The importance of epic dreams and goals

One of my favorite parts about the GATTACA film was this:

You can have the most superior genetics, but without having an epic dream, and without effort — you ain’t gonna do anything epic.

Truth be told — of course genetics has some influence and effect on our potential. But I’m still of the school that our genes don’t pre-determine our future, or potential for success.

Thus I’m the ultimate optimist— you can bend your genes and potential however you see fit!

Muscular potential

There are obliviously muscular as well as “morphological”differences between us human beings. There are people who are genetically taller, people who might have a superior genetic predisposition to physical and muscular strength and speed, etc.

But once again — this ain’t a pre-determinant of anything.

For example myself as a Korean “ectomorph”— I probably will never become as buff as Ronnie Coleman. Yet, that isn’t my goal. My goal is for me to surpass myself — and for me to compete against my past self; I’m not competing against anyone else.


We often use this physics “potential” notion to apply to us human beings. I think it is a pretty good mental framework — but when we talk about “human potential”— what do we really mean?

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