What is True Wealth?

Freedom of time, freedom over your schedule, health (physiological vigor), and motivation and power to create your own artwork.

What isn’t true wealth?

I belive true wealth is a combination of time, energy, focus, attention, and physical vigor because it is the ultimate non renewable resource. We can always earn more money in life but once you’ve lost time, you can never regain it.

120 years as the maximum theoretical lifespan?

It seems the maximum lifespan for us humans is around 120 years. No matter how rich, clever, or intelligent we are, we can never “add” to our maximum lifespan.

And most of us won’t live to be 120 years old. It seems the only “proven” ways to live our maximum lifespan includes:

  1. Not smoking
  2. Not dying of physical trauma (bicycle accident, texting while driving accident, etc).
  3. Intermittent fasting: Activates the “autophagy” bodily response which cleans out pre-cancerous cells in our body.
  4. Not consuming sugar.
  5. Physical and mental exercise, as well as other “hormesis” approaches (cold water showers, heat exposure, fasting, consuming bitter foods and drinks, and anything which stresses our body in intense but short doses)

What’s the purpose of life?

I don’t think there is an ultimate or imperative purpose to life. Essentially you have the power to dictate your own purpose in life.

I don’t have the answer for you, but it seems that a quasi-acceptable answer I’ve discovered for myself is making art. Art as very broad and general; artwork through photographs, books, writings, lectures, and all created forms of knowledge and information.

Why are we so obsessed with money?

My theory:

Money is the easiest way to quantify our progress in life.

For example if you see yourself increase your income or money in your bank account, you feel more secure, wealthy, and powerful. But to me, thinking about wealth in terms of money is too basic. Same goes with material wealth. I think having good tools to create stuff is essential for us as creators and artists, but now that we have so many great democratic tools, material wealth isn’t as important.

Does wealth matter?

I think wealth only matters insofar much as:

The feeling of wealth contributes to your boldness and brazenness in your artistic pursuits.

If you feel poor, you’re going to be too distracted and stressed out to produce artwork. But you can be a billionaire and still feel poor, if you don’t build a sense of overflowing wealth and power in your own mind.

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