Creating, becoming your own news?

Doing stuff rather than just waiting for the world to happen to you?


Go denser, deeper?

New ambitions: owning everything?

Money thoughts

Walking down Wilshire the other day seeing a brand new Lamborghini REVUELTO, pretty cool,,, put the funny thing is actually, and technically rich enough to buy like four or five of them. But I choose not to because what I realized is it is kind of a losing bet.

The problems is that first, it’s really a liability and not a productive asset. What that means is if you’re in a position in which you always have to stress out about other people messing up your car etc., you’re in a very fragile position.

For example, a big thing I think about a lot of maintenance. Like having to get an oil change, get new tires, or what do you do when you’re driving on the freeway and there’s a tiny rock ship which cracks your windshield?

So this is where we money and bitcoin becomes interesting; let us say you have like 20 bitcoins, currently worth around $2 million, and you have it essentially kind of stored in the cloud your mind in a hardware wallet or a online wallet whatever… Technically you own four Lamborghini REVUELTOS in your mind,  or assuming that a Lamborghini Huracan, is around $250,000, like owning eight entry-level Lambos.

displays of wealth?

So certainly the only reason you would ever want to purchase and drive around the Lamborghini is to show it to other human beings. For example, assuming you’re on a desert island and there’s no other human beings around, certainly the fun of your Lamborghini will be less. It might still be fun to drive around, You still might love the way it looks etc., but still… A Lamborghini is more about promiscuous consumption, rather than owning it for yourself?

Cyber wealth

A lot of people invest in off-line hardware wallets putting their bitcoins in cold storage. I personally would not really ever do this because I don’t really trust myself, I don’t want to be the dude who threw away his hard drive with $1 billion worth of bitcoins, trying to you visually find it, or the guy who forgot his pass key, Essentially locking him out of his $500 million bitcoins or something.

This is also where I’m kind of interested in micro strategy, micro strategy stuff, even owning a Security, because it makes life a little easier. First, you don’t really have to work about somebody hacking fidelity because it’s not gonna happen.

Also, easier to hand down your generational wall to your kids, or your wife or your spouse, via the exchange.

Microstrategy is bitcoin on steroids? 

“What’s better than bitcoin? More bitcoin!” – Saylor

So I think as investors, we are always seeking superior yield.

For example, when I first heard about bitcoin making big moves in 2017, I think this is one bitcoin was only like $300 of bitcoin, and then I ended up putting in like maybe $25,000 in 2018, one bitcoin was around $6999 a coin, it was always about a strong belief in a new type of system and thing. It’s kind of a kin to believing in open source technology, the internet etc.

We are technologists, we love tech, technology. We are “techies”.

So whenever I hear people who work at Google Amazon Facebook Meta etc. who are not into bitcoin, I get a bit confused, because in theory… If you were in tech and big tech, shouldn’t you understand bitcoin the best?

Like for example, assuming you’re an engineer, studied computer science math etc., assuming that you have strong rigor in logic… Shouldn’t you be the most prime person to understand bitcoin deeply?

Anyways, in search of superior yield, what’s the point?

So I had a funny thought, the thought of being like stupid dumb rich, infinite free money forever. Isn’t this the goal?

Never get stuck in an ideology

So I love the mythology of bitcoin, Satoshi etc.… But I suppose also, one should not get stuck in believing in a thing for the sake of believing in a thing.

Also, to be stuck to one ideology, for the sake of consistency is also a bad thing.

Assuming that both bitcoin and both micro strategy are gonna go out forever, in that both are not risky, assuming that both have like zero risk, but rather, high volatility… And assuming that micro strategy is 2X the volatility of bitcoin, and if you love volatility, wouldn’t and shouldn’t you just go all in on microstrategy? 

do you got the stomach for it?

Perhaps for me, my greatest blessing is my spartan stoic body and mind. And I’ve built the stomach for investing trading etc., ever since I was like 15 years old.

I think once you have the clarity about something, it is a good idea to pull the trigger. Then comes issues of timing, your mood, when you feel like doing it etc.

And then it comes to having the balls and the stomach for it. 

Better to die enormous than lie dormant

“I turn that two into a four that four into an eight, I turn my life into a nice first week release date” – JAY Z

I still think that Jay Z might be one of the greatest entrepreneur all minds of all time, specifically because he came from nothing, and became one of the greatest somethings.

I’m also pretty proud of myself, coming from more or less a single mom, and becoming me.

I think when an idea captivates you or fascinates you or interests you, just go balls to the wall, all in, buckle yourself up for the ride! 

New strategies

EricStrategy, ESTR –> vision!

Owning gold versus being a jeweler?

So my uncle who has done well for himself, and also helped me my sister my mom and my family and me — made his money off of gold and being a gold jeweler.

Taking back the analogy to bitcoin, I also like the idea of being or becoming a bitcoin jeweler.

Certainly maybe in the past, if you bought gold and just sat on it, it would be a kind of good store of value. But, the true wealth is actually generated by creating old products, buying the gold cheap, fashioning it into like a ring or necklace, and selling the gold product.

I almost wonder if the same thing is with bitcoin, bitcoin as the raw material, and a company like microstrategy becoming the metaphorical jeweler for it, fashioning new bitcoin products? 

Think Rockefeller

What was more valuable; owning the raw oil and petroleum or owning standard oil stock? Certainly the stock.

John D Rockerfeller had the genius of sentry standardizing oil and petroleum, and a century creating an empire out of it, taking the crude and refining it into useful products.

Perhaps Michael sailor is the new Rockerfeller, also once again, taking the raw product which is bitcoin, putting it into a transformer, making more useful bitcoin products out of it?

why not have Microstrategy stock

I think the only reason to not have micro strategy stock because if you do not like volatility. But then again if you own the bitcoin itself, you also kind of already have an appetite for volatility.

So I guess the question is; how much volatility can you stomach and bear?