So thinking about the market in the future etc., especially 30 years from now ;
First, issue here is the laws of physical. Even if Apple has $1 trillion, there is only so much you could do to the laws of physics to make the iPad thinner, lighter, more compact, also even the iPhone; it looks like it has already hit peak physics; can’t really make it that much bigger, the iPhone Pro Max is as big as it will ever get, and the whole foldable notion is a poor idea.
Also, seems that Apple is on an addition rampage, adding stuff adding features, adding buttons etc. For example, I think the new quick draw camera control in the bottom of my corner is a good idea, but the whole slightly squeeze it and to go through the Settings is an insanely terrible idea. Why? I tested it out, and it is lower, More unintuitive, and inferior to use than the traditional camera layout, which is fast, smooth and slick.
To me the most bizarre thing about the new iPhone is technically the previous generation, the action button the top left, wasn’t that supposed to be the quick draw camera function? So now, the baffling question; why would you have a dedicated camera button in the bottom right corner, but also, Have an action function in the top left corner to also open up the Camera app? Makes no sense!
If anything, I think what Apple should’ve done was trying to come up with more ingenious ideas on making the camera control more intuitive. For example, I have this very very good idea for you Apple; essentially make it where when you immediately drop your camera, you could turn on an optional feature in which when you’re raised to your iPhone, it automatically takes one or two photos, and then you could decide with privacy, whether to keep it or not. To me this would be an insanely great innovation because ideally, let us say that you’re playing with your kid or you’re out on the streets or whatever. And you see something you want to photograph, technically the ideal is just raise it and take it out of your pocket and lift up the camera, I mean the iPhone, and it automatically takes one or two pictures. However in order to prevent dick pics and the like, you can make it a private function; like if you’re using your iPhone while you’re taking a piss, you won’t accidentally reveal your penis photo to others in your camera app library. 
Why innovation is dead at Apple 
I just got the new iPad Pro M4 chip, and for the most part it is a perfect device, good job Apple iPad team. But, the one really really terrible thing you guys did, are you guys brain dead? Putting the Face ID camera on the right side of the tablet? If Steve Jobs was still alive you would’ve immediately fired whoever made that brain dead decision.
First, for us real iPad users, us true pros, first, we do not use a stupid pencil, Steve Jobs would have hated it. Second, no loser keyboard; the purpose of an iPad was to get rid of the features of the physical keyboard, not to add it. I find it a shameless thing; inventing some sort of keyboard to try to make it into a mini laptop; you just have to bifurcate it — if you need a physical keyboard just buy a laptop, if you want an iPad iPad Pro, you should be using it without a case, just handholding it, holding it vertical.
The reason why the new camera design is so poor is that when you are actually holding an iPad vertically, natural realistically you’re right thumb will block the Face ID true ID. And as a consequence, it really really disrupts your workflow!
The vibes?
A nice quote that I got from Michael Saylor, via Nicola Tesla, —
If you really want to understand the universe, think in terms of vibration, frequency, and energy. 
Impractical terms, the way that I interpret this is you could feel human emotions as vibrations, or the feeling in the air. The “boon-hwee-gge” in Korean — the feeling of the environment in the air of a place.
Maybe in the past, there was a sense of jubilant, going to an Apple Store. Now it is dread some; everyone looks super unhappy, even the apple employees used to be super happy Chip and chewy; all look dark morose, tired. No more passion.
Where is the new passion?
Anyone who is a bitcoin, Michael Saylor fan, and now micro strategy, this is the real economic opportunism, the real economic optimism! 
For me, I have embedded in my mind, this 55% API notion in my brain; if I do the maths, assuming that my $1.1 million worth of bitcoin hasn’t a PI of 55%, you’re over a year, that means within 15 years I should be a billionaire! Worth 1.2 billion.
And to me this is insanely optimistic because then, if you can know the future with some level of precision, then you could actually start to plan your life! What that means is learning how to live today, expecting a very glorious future!