Man Haters?

What’s the equivalent of a misogynist (woman hater)— is misandrist?

The male equivalent of the term “misogynist,” which describes someone who harbors prejudice or contempt against women, is “misandrist.” Misandrist refers to someone who has a similar prejudice or contempt, but directed against men.

The word “misandry” comes from the Greek roots “misos” meaning hatred and “anēr” (genitive “andrós”) meaning man. This formation mirrors the construction of the word “misogyny,” which combines “misos” with “gynē,” meaning woman.


  • Misandry: Formed from “misos” (hatred) + “andr-” (man).
  • Misogyny: Formed from “misos” + “gynē” (woman).

The term “misandry” is relatively modern compared to “misogyny.” While “misogyny” has been in use since the mid-17th century, reflecting a longer recognized and discussed societal issue, “misandry” only appeared in the English language in the late 19th century. Its usage has become more common in contemporary discussions around gender relations, particularly in feminist and men’s rights contexts. The rise of the term corresponds to increased awareness and discussion of gender dynamics and biases against both women and men.