Media is Mediocre

A recent realization when browsing improving through a bunch of these media related things: it is all so mediocre. 

What is the biggest issue here? No matter how I think about it, it really doesn’t matter how “good” the media may be, whether it be a TV show, whether it be a series, or a movie… Any two hour audio visual thing which forces you to be sedentary is a bad thing. 

For example, I find this activity insanely bizarre. People are willing to spend close to 50 minutes to an hour for even a mediocre television show, something that has to deal with some sort of conquering physical activity or whatever.

I’ll give you an example: my personal pride is I have watched none of these Silvy or dumb shows. For example when everyone was gaga over Game of Thrones, I found this bizarre;

Why not just use those 50 or 100 hours to turn yourself into a real modern day conqueror?

Or, anybody who watches marvel or superhero movies; certainly certainly in their psychology they want to become Superheroes themselves. And it doesn’t matter which superhero you are; all superheroes have superhero strength, which is superhero muscles etc. Therefore as a consequence, isn’t the obvious strategy to transform your body and your soul into a real life conqueror?

Making your own media?

Then it seems from a simple perspective, to create your own media is a good idea. A simple idea is to just throw on or slap on a GoPro camera to your chest or your head, and just record video Vlog your life. 

For example, the most ridiculous creation yet I think is the Apple Vision Pro; better to just buy a new GoPro with the max lens attachment mod, put it on your chest or your head, and it is better to record ultra ultra wide video than “spatial video“. Why? The big problem and downside of spatial audio and video is the fact that it is so difficult to actually view and review it. I have almost a 0% faith that the Apple Vision Pro, or even a basic Apple vision concept will take up. Why? Nobody likes to put it on. Even for myself, I’m the biggest tech enthusiast that I know, even putting on for half a second insanely made my head feel heavy and unpleasant. As a consequence, immediately, I wanted to take the thing off, even before the official demo started.

I was really excited to try it out, in the Apple Store I even got my prescription glasses checked, and the custom Zeiss optical inserts added, so I could demo the thing. But once again, the second I put it on my head, just like a child I wanted to immediately take it off, just like how Seneca hates putting on hats in baseball caps. My theory is that intuitively, we humans hate having things on our heads, even for a long time having to get accustomed to put on glasses was a difficult one. And even now, I hate wearing watches. It just feels weird on my wrist. My wedding ring, I always just keep it in my wallet, because I lift weights so frequently, and also the feeling of a ring on your finger weighted is a bizarre one.

Bitcoin to the moon!

OK, now that London is on board, and now that Blackrock is on board, bitcoin is going to the moon! I like this idea that we could all get rich together.

I’m not really 100% certain about the future of bitcoin and prices etc., but one thing I am certain about is that it will never go down to zero. Why? Now that it is mainstream, Michael Saylor (Microstrategy CEO, and early bitcoin adopter)– said something super interesting now that the bitcoin ETFs, exchange traded funds are live, what that means is that anybody could just open up their Robinhood or TD America trade app or whatever app they use, and search bitcoin, and immediately start purchasing it, without having a crypto wallet or anything. that is with your Roth IRA, your 401(k), or your traditional stock, you could easily buy bitcoin. He said this on the CNBC full interview you could just YouTube it.

What is money anyways?

OK, now that me and Cindy are here in LA for good, or semi good, what that means is thinking about the future of our family, putting down routes etc.

Where your beginning is, that is where you shall return.

The crazy thing is to consider and think that Cindy and I both started off at UCLA, and now we’re back in black.

I even have as a domain name. If you’re in LA and want to collaborate email me at Eric [at]


There are a lot of things to consider in regards to living, living in LA:

  1. How much space you want: how many bedrooms do you want? Two bed, two bath? Too bad, one bath? Too bad, 1.5 bath? Three bedrooms, etc.?
  2. Your location: do you care to walk, or do you not mind driving?
  3. Direction of the sun: random thought I had is ideally I would have some sort of house or property or living place which directly faces the sun, ideally I want to wake up in the morning going into the kitchen and while making my coffee, the direct light goes directly into the kitchen; currently the apartment that I’m living in, although it is great, I have no idea what the weather is like outside. 

Off the grid fitness

I just ordered a 60 pound weight vest on and I find it one of the most interesting innovations that I have done so far. Why? And some sense it is free exercise; even just standing with it on, you’re going to immediately start huffing and puffing.

I even have a funny thought, maybe all tech workers should be required to put it on while working; because actually it is uncomfortable to sit with it, easier to stand with it. And also, the exercise that it gives you is that strengthen your hips, your knees, your back, your shoulders, your traps etc.

60 pounds is actually pretty impressive and a good weight, because it is a little bit heavier than a standard 45 pound plate, which you typically put on a barbell. And also what I personally love about this 60 pound weight vest is that it is weighted in the front and the back, which means that it is well balanced.

One thing that I’ve actually been doing with it is while having it on, lifting weights with it. This is what I consider a double hard-core workout; a fun activity to do with my standard rack pool, or atlas lift, or farmers carry, trap bar dead lift, or even chin up, dips, calisthenic exercises, etc.  


Going back to the whole media thing; perhaps the only good movies I think I have ever seen in my life include the movie 300, which from an early teenage age, solidified the notion of true manliness in my mind, also maybe the movie the matrix, which was a good mind bender, in order for me to think about and consider notions of reality, mind over body etc. Besides these two movies, it may be John Wick; all of these other movies that have watched seem like a waste of time. And also I have never watched any TV series which is any good.

Why are millennials so miserable?

My personal theory on why millennials are so miserable is because:

  1. They own dogs, they don’t have children
  2. I can only speak for a male perspective, but it seems that at least for us men, all men secretly or overly desire at least one male son, one heir to the throne. This is often why you see families with two or three or four girls; you could definitely see that there were shooting for a boy.
  3. Too much time consuming media; once again I think media is the real culprit here… Media makes us too emotional, dark and morose. It is almost like watching modern-day gladiators, but worse, it encourages you to stay home all day.

The solution

  1. Build your own home gym: — ever since moving to LA three or four months ago, after experimenting with all the gyms, golds gym, LA fitness etc.; I’ve discovered and realized that honestly all these gems are bad. Why? The big issue here is that the whole driving thing: my secret for a happy life in LA is never drive for more than five minutes a day. Fortunately living here in Culver City, downtown Culver City, I am actually able to fulfill this.
  2. Just be outside: I think a lot of the modern day bias is for some reason we are all afraid of skin cancer, the light etc. For example everyone I know in LA either wears a baseball cap, a hat, or sunglasses. Very infrequently do I see people walking around without sunglasses, or a hat on. In fact it is part of my pride to not wear a hat, and also Sunglasses; sunglasses make your eyes weak.