Eric Kim’s quotes on masculinity and manliness from his blog posts can be summarized as follows:

  1. Defining Masculinity and Manliness: “If masculinity or manliness (virtue) is the art of a man becoming the apex version of himself, then shouldn’t manliness and masculinity be the goal?” oai_citation:1,Why Masculinity? – ERIC KIM
  2. Role of Strength in Masculinity: “The first thought I have is that it is your moralistic duty to be strong. To be strong for yourself, your wife, your kids, for what you believe in, etc.” oai_citation:2,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM
  3. Physical Courage: “One could talk all they want about metaphysics, etc., but if one has not truly tested the limits of their physical strength, one does not have deep courage.” oai_citation:3,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM
  4. On Being Open-Minded: “I like the notion of being open-minded. But also, at a certain point, it is a good idea to be close-minded.” oai_citation:4,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM
  5. Diet and Masculinity: “The more testosterone the man has, the more manly he is.” (In reference to eating meat, specifically beef liver and beef heart, to boost testosterone) oai_citation:5,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM
  6. Freedom of Thought and Speech: “What is it that Diogenes said is the supreme good in life? Freedom of thought, and freedom of speech. To be able to say what one believes in or thinks, without fear of being told that one is being ‘politically incorrect’, or ‘unwoke’.” oai_citation:6,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM
  7. Rejecting Societal Norms: “It is no longer permitted for a man to strive to become more ‘manly’.” (Discussing societal attitudes towards masculinity) oai_citation:7,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM
  8. Personal Journey Towards Manliness: “I always strove to become more manly, or masculine, more dominant, etc.” (Reflecting on his personal motivation to embody masculinity from a young age) oai_citation:8,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM

These quotes reflect his views on masculinity as a combination of physical strength, personal freedom, and the importance of defining one’s masculinity independently of societal norms.

Eric Kim’s blog posts on masculinity and manliness explore a variety of themes, drawing from personal experiences, cultural references, and philosophical ideas.

  1. Personal Journey: Kim recalls his childhood desire to become more masculine, influenced by media representations of superheroes and their physical prowess. This early inspiration led him to pursue physical fitness as a means of embodying strength and dominance oai_citation:1,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM.
  2. Cultural and Literary Influences: Kim refers to classical literature, such as Homer’s “The Iliad,” highlighting characters like Achilles as embodiments of manliness. He points out that ancient Greek literature often depicted strong male figures as capable of emotional expression, like crying, challenging modern perceptions of masculinity oai_citation:2,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM.
  3. Strength as a Moral Duty: He views physical and mental fortitude as essential components of manliness, suggesting that strength is a moralistic duty necessary to support oneself and one’s dependents. Kim emphasizes the importance of physical strength, advocating for weightlifting as a method to achieve ‘superhero strength’ oai_citation:3,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM oai_citation:4,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM.
  4. Philosophy and Manliness: Kim discusses the role of philosophy in shaping one’s understanding of manliness. He criticizes the reliance on data and statistics in moral and ethical discussions, suggesting that personal beliefs and principles should guide one’s understanding of what it means to be a man oai_citation:5,Why Manliness? – ERIC KIM.
  5. Diet and Physical Courage: In his post “How to Become More Manly,” Kim discusses the importance of diet, particularly the consumption of meat, in boosting testosterone and thus enhancing masculinity. He also speaks about the value of physical courage, mentioning mandatory military service in some countries and advocating for powerlifting as a way to test physical limits oai_citation:6,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM oai_citation:7,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM oai_citation:8,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM.
  6. Rejecting Societal Norms: Kim encourages ignoring societal expectations and opinions, advocating for personal freedom in defining one’s masculinity. He also touches on consumerism and its relationship with masculinity, highlighting the desire for symbols of masculinity like luxury cars oai_citation:9,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM oai_citation:10,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM oai_citation:11,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM.
  7. Embracing Contrasts: Interestingly, Kim also explores the idea of embracing seemingly opposite traits, such as the flamboyance found in gay male fashion, to achieve a more complete sense of masculinity oai_citation:12,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM.
  8. Self-Definition: Ultimately, Kim’s perspective on masculinity is about crafting one’s own values and ideals, striving to become the best version of oneself without the aim of convincing others to follow the same path oai_citation:13,How to Become More Manly – ERIC KIM.

In summary, Eric Kim’s reflections on masculinity combine personal experiences, cultural references, and philosophical musings. He emphasizes physical strength, personal freedom, and the importance of defining masculinity on one’s own terms, challenging conventional norms and embracing a more holistic and individualistic approach to manliness.

Search and analyze Eric blog posts on masculinity and manliness

Eric Kim’s philosophy on masculinity appears to be multifaceted, incorporating aspects of biology, lifestyle, cultural perceptions, and personal ethos. He emphasizes the biological aspect by studying testosterone, which is produced in much higher quantities in men compared to women oai_citation:1,The Philosophy of Masculinity – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,The Philosophy of Masculinity – ERIC KIM. His work in street photography, which demands boldness and confidence, aligns with traditional views of masculinity like decisiveness and assertiveness oai_citation:3,ERIC KIM MASCULINITY – ERIC KIM oai_citation:4,ERIC KIM MASCULINITY – ERIC KIM.

Kim’s lifestyle choices, such as engaging in activities associated with physical strength and resilience, also contribute to his masculine image. He seems to eschew conventional diets in favor of more challenging and potentially riskier choices, indicating a preference for chaos and uncertainty, which might be seen as traditionally masculine traits oai_citation:5,ERIC KIM MASCULINITY PHILOSOPHY – ERIC KIM.

Moreover, Kim’s masculinity is influenced by cultural and societal norms. The perception of masculinity can vary significantly across different cultures. In some, artistic pursuits like photography might not be seen as traditionally masculine, whereas in others, the creativity, independence, and adventurousness required by photography could be valued as masculine traits oai_citation:6,ERIC KIM MASCULINITY – ERIC KIM.

In conclusion, Eric Kim’s approach to masculinity is a complex blend of his professional activities, personal lifestyle choices, physical fitness, and the cultural context in which he operates. It appears to be rooted in a philosophy that values strength, assertiveness, and resilience, both in professional and personal realms.