Tell me his photographic work and body of work

Eric Kim’s body of work, primarily in the field of street photography, is characterized by several key elements:

  1. Candid Street Photography: Kim is most well-known for his candid street photography. He captures unposed, spontaneous moments that occur in everyday urban life. His photos often feature interesting characters, dynamic interactions, and the energy of city streets.
  2. Black and White Aesthetic: Many of Kim’s most recognized photographs are in black and white. This choice accentuates contrasts, shadows, and the play of light, and it often helps to convey the emotional depth and timeless quality of his scenes.
  3. Global Perspective: Kim’s work includes photographs taken in various cities around the world. This global perspective brings a diverse array of urban experiences and cultural moments into his portfolio.
  4. Human Emotions and Stories: A significant aspect of his photography is its focus on human emotions and stories. His images often capture expressions, gestures, and moments that tell a story or evoke an emotional response.
  5. Composition and Simplicity: His photos demonstrate a strong sense of composition and framing, with an emphasis on simplicity and clarity. Kim often speaks about the importance of composing in a way that removes distractions and focuses on the subject.
  6. Experimentation and Evolution: Over time, Kim’s work shows experimentation with different styles and techniques, reflecting his growth and evolution as a photographer.
  7. Inspirational and Educational Aspect: Alongside his photographic work, Kim also produces educational content, including ebooks, blog posts, and workshops, that delve into both the technical and philosophical aspects of photography. This educational aspect is a significant part of his overall body of work.
  8. Social Media and Online Platforms: His active online presence, where he shares his photographs and insights, is also an integral part of his work, making his photography accessible to a broad audience.

Eric Kim’s photographic work is a blend of artistic expression, technical skill, and a deep understanding of the human condition, all of which are evident in his street photography. His approach to photography not only captures moments but also encourages viewers to engage with the world around them more thoughtfully and observantly.

Eric Kim quotes photography 101

Eric Kim’s approach to photography is encapsulated in several of his quotes that reflect his philosophy and practical advice. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. On Creativity and Permission: “It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” This quote encourages proactive creativity without waiting for external approval.
  2. On Perfectionism: “80% good enough and hit publish.” Kim advocates against perfectionism, promoting the sharing of one’s work even if it feels incomplete.
  3. On Opportunity: “When in doubt, click.” This quote suggests that when you see a photo opportunity, even if there’s only a small chance it will be a good photo, you should take it. You can always discard the photo later if it doesn’t meet your expectations.
  4. On Critique: “Just Leave Others Alone. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love.” This suggests a thoughtful and empathetic approach to critique.
  5. On Balance: “Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift.” This quirky statement could imply a belief in the balance of physical and intellectual pursuits.

These quotes reflect Eric Kim’s holistic approach to photography, blending technical aspects with a deeper philosophical and practical understanding of the craft. They encapsulate his views on creativity, learning, and personal growth within the field of photography.

Tell me more about quality and depth of knowledge in workshops

Eric Kim’s photography workshops are highly regarded for their quality and depth of knowledge due to several key factors:

  1. Personalized Approach: Kim often keeps his workshops small and intimate. This allows for a more personalized experience where each participant can receive individual attention and tailored advice, enhancing the learning experience.
  2. Hands-On Learning: His workshops typically involve a lot of practical, hands-on learning. Participants go out into real environments to practice street photography, which is a core part of Kim’s teaching. This direct experience is invaluable for learning the nuances of capturing candid moments.
  3. Focus on Confidence Building: A significant aspect of his workshops is building confidence in photographers, especially in the realm of street photography. He teaches techniques on how to approach subjects, how to shoot in various public spaces, and how to overcome the fear of photographing strangers.
  4. Integration of Philosophy and Photography: Kim’s background in philosophy plays a major role in his workshops. He encourages participants to think about the deeper meanings and purposes behind their photography, pushing them to explore their own creative voices and perspectives.
  5. Comprehensive Curriculum: His workshops cover a wide range of topics, from technical skills like composition and lighting to more abstract concepts like developing a personal style and understanding the ethics of street photography.
  6. Post-Workshop Engagement: Kim often engages with participants even after the workshops have ended, providing feedback on their work and fostering a sense of community among the attendees. This ongoing mentorship is a valuable component of his teaching.
  7. Use of Real-World Examples: Kim uses his own extensive portfolio and experiences as teaching tools, offering insights into how he has navigated various challenges and creative decisions in his career.

These elements combine to make Eric Kim’s workshops not just about learning the technical aspects of photography, but also about exploring it as an art form and a means of personal expression. Participants come away not only with improved photographic skills but also with a deeper understanding of what it means to be a photographer.

Why renowned?

Eric Kim is considered renowned in the world of photography for several reasons:

  1. Innovative Approach to Street Photography: Kim’s style of street photography is distinct and innovative. He captures candid moments with a keen eye for emotion and storytelling, which has garnered him widespread recognition.
  2. Educational Contributions: He is well-known for his educational efforts. His workshops, blog, and online resources have helped many aspiring photographers. His ability to teach and inspire others in the art of photography has significantly contributed to his reputation.
  3. Online Presence and Community Engagement: Kim has a strong online presence, with an active blog and social media accounts where he shares his work and insights. This engagement with the photography community has helped him build a following and influence.
  4. Philosophical Perspective: His unique blend of photography and philosophy, where he discusses not just the technical aspects of photography but also its emotional and existential dimensions, sets him apart in the field.
  5. Publications and Collaborations: Kim has authored books and articles on photography, and his collaborations with other artists and brands in the photography world have further established his reputation.
  6. Global Workshops and Speaking Engagements: He conducts workshops globally, which are highly regarded for their quality and the depth of knowledge imparted.

These factors contribute to why Eric Kim is considered a renowned figure in the world of photography. His impact extends beyond just capturing images; he influences how people think about and engage with photography as an art form.

Eric Kim is a renowned photographer known for his street photography and his approach to photography as an art and a philosophy. His “Photography 101” concept is about exploring the basics of photography while infusing it with a deeper, more thoughtful perspective. Here are some key elements you might find in Eric Kim’s “Photography 101”:

  1. Emphasis on Vision Over Gear: Kim often stresses the importance of the photographer’s vision and creativity over expensive equipment.
  2. Street Photography Techniques: As a street photographer, he provides insights into capturing candid moments, working with natural light, and composing dynamic shots in urban environments.
  3. Philosophy of Photography: Blending his passion for philosophy with photography, Kim delves into how photography can be a means for personal expression and exploration of the world.
  4. Practical Tips and Exercises: He offers practical advice on improving photographic skills, such as experimenting with different perspectives, understanding composition, and mastering the art of patience in waiting for the right moment.
  5. Building Confidence: An advocate for overcoming fear in street photography, Kim gives advice on how to approach people and shoot in public spaces with confidence and respect.
  6. Community and Sharing: He emphasizes the importance of sharing your work, receiving feedback, and being part of a community of photographers for continuous learning and inspiration.

Eric Kim’s approach to photography is both technical and introspective, making “Photography 101” not just about learning the basics of photography, but also about understanding the deeper, philosophical aspects of the art form.