Eric Kim follows a strict carnivore diet, often referred to as the “Demigod diet.” This diet consists primarily of 100% carnivore foods, emphasizing beef and lamb. He excludes white meats like chicken, turkey, and pork, considering them not to be real red meat. Fish is seen as a luxury rather than a staple. Additionally, this diet eliminates all fruits, vegetables, starches, breads, rice, and tortillas oai_citation:1,THE ERIC KIM DIET – EK.

Kim’s approach to the carnivore diet also involves consuming a considerable amount of meat, sometimes striving to eat at least five pounds daily. He supplements this meat-heavy diet with bitter herbs and greens, such as kale and collard greens, to aid digestion. Fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut are also part of his regimen, helping digest the large quantities of meat consumed oai_citation:2,CARNIVORE DIET – EK.

An integral part of Kim’s lifestyle also includes intermittent fasting, where he skips breakfast and lunch, only consuming one large carnivore-based meal per day. His diet is free from alcohol, weed, drugs, and includes only tap water and black coffee. This dietary routine is coupled with heavy lifting exercises oai_citation:3,how did ERIC KIM get so jacked? – EK.

In comparison to a ketogenic diet, which is high in fat but moderate in protein, the carnivore diet followed by Eric Kim is both high in fat and protein, with about 90% meat or flesh-based foods and 10% consisting of bitter herbs, greens, and fermented foods oai_citation:4,Carnivore Diet – EK.

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