July 2023

I can best concentrate when I am in airplane mode

The joy of photography 

Sunlight Is a privilege 

How to focus, How to concentrate 

Robust philosophy 

Think Offline

3 is sufficient 

Reviewing my photos stimulates my mind?

No more iPhone 

iPad-forward future 

iPhone sucks, iPhone is bad. 

I like Looking at my own skin, my own flesh. 

Is there anything bad with overkill? 

Disclear is good 

Interest In images 

Images are everything 

Do you care for the images or not?


Photography and hormones? When you look at certain photos, does it affect your hormones?

Anticipation. Eager anticipation 

Ready to move on!

Extract the maximum, then move on.

Don’t be stuck at home 

I just don’t like the way some people look? My extreme visual sensitivity to others 


I kind of like my new aesthetic and look.



I like the way it shows up in photos 

I hate being stuck in a car. I’d prefer to be out walking on the streets!

Lean is the new sexy 

Shapes are interesting. 


Thoughts on Health

It is not necessarily more “happiness” we seek in life, but greater health.


To me, to gain “greater health” means to gain more vigor. More power, more chutzpah and desire for movement, more energy, more liveliness.

Will it give you more vigor or not?

Then perhaps the thing to optimize for is,

Will it give you more vigor or not?

If yes, it is good. If it doesn’t give you more vigor, disregard.





Perhaps grippy phone cases are a good idea!

Always be open minded.

I am always ready to change my mind, if I truly believe now differently.

Consistent thinking is bad.

Imagine … thinking the same for the rest of your life until age 120??


Every Day is New

Why take over?

Great health for the sake of what?

To so more, attempt more, dare more.

What if I lived in approached life 100% to my desired way and liking? A 100% no compromised life, irregardless of money or “value” or “wise” considerations for the “future.”

According to my true desires.


Invest in the Future

Invest in a future platform

Mask Hybrid

When should you wear a mask, when not to? I say always just have a face mask in your front left pocket, ready whenever. Just put it on when you feel like, just take it off when you feel like.

Why this anti-Jewish sentiment?

I think we are going through an interesting difficulty in America, that is primarily, people of African, African-American descent, that they are indeed, one of the most detrodden on races in America.

In fact, Jewish people as well has been detrodden on for millennia. In fact I think the great difficulty and challenge of Jewish people, Jewish people in America is all of the racism that they faced, and the anti-Jewish sentiment.

However now, it seems that generally speaking, in terms of the overall landscape, Jewish people statistically have more financial and social cultural power than African-American people as a consequence, I think African-American, “black“ people are trying to highlight more of the inequality and injustice in America.

I think this is what leads to all of these theories that “black” people were the original Jewish people. The idea that Judaism, or the Jewish concept came out of Ethiopia or somewhere in Africa.

First of all, ultimately all people probably came out of Africa somewhere. That is, if you look back far enough, all of the races, genes, etc. come out of Africa. That perhaps Africa or somewhere in the middle or mid east was the origin of the human species and human civilization.

“White passing“?

If you want to ask a very controversial question to friends, your Jewish friends or other Caucasian-Americans you can ask,

“Are Jewish people ‘White’”?

Do you hear a grab bag of different answers. One of them from my Jewish American friends:

No. Jewish people are not “white“. However, we are “white-passing”.

Or, people will say “yes.”

What is “white” anyways?

Colloquially when we talk about “white“ people“, we mean to say Caucasian, or people with a paler complexion. Individuals with descendants from more northern regions of the planet, with less melanin in their skin.

But the funny thing is that it is all socially constructed, as once upon a time there were many individuals early immigrants to America who are not considered “white“, even though nowadays they are. This includes anyone with Irish heritage, German heritage, Polish heritage, Russian heritage, etc.

However, I think philosophically speaking, to say that you are “white”, is to say that you are superior, higher up in the social hierarchy, etc.

For example, being here in Southeast Asia, when people find out that I am Korean they treat me like royalty. I certainly get certain class privileges which are associated with my genetic heritage. Korean people are almost like the “white“ people of Asia, Southeast Asia.

But why is it that Korean people are seen as superior? I think the powerful influence and cultural power of K-pop, Korean dramas, Korean food and culture etc. Koreans are essentially the new Japanese people.

What if all the conspiracy theories are true?

A simple way that I navigate my life is this:

Just assume as if all of the conspiracy theories were true, and proceed on living my life.

For example, I am fortunate enough that being Korean, Korean American, American, none of these conspiracy theories really apply to myself in any direct way.

Once you realize that all of these conspiracy theories don’t really play any significant part in your life, these are fewer distractions to bother yourself with.

Are there “black” Jewish people?

Yes. I have met at least one guy, who superficially looks African, African-American, yet has the typical traits and characteristics of what we consider nowadays “Jewish“, curly and frizzy hair, kind of looking like Albert Einstein or Malcolm Gladwell.

I think the difficult thing about Judaism, or being “Jewish“ is that it is both seen as a religion, and also an ethnicity and race.

For example, anyone could become Catholic, but not anyone could become Jewish.

Does any of this really matter?

I don’t think so.

Jewish people do not run the world. Israel does not run the world. America runs the world, due to her military power.

I think if people have certain qualms about Zionism, Jewish power and control and influence etc., rather I think the real culprit is the American military complex. Truth be told, Americans are probably the real bad guys here, I think perhaps American interventionalism with war and military has caused the greatest number of direct or indirect human deaths. Let us also consider how America sells her military equipment to other nations, seeking a tidy profit.

Stronger Desires

The goal shouldn’t be to weaken our desires, instead, to strengthen them.

Acceptable or Not Acceptable?

For example image quality, perhaps the best criteria is whether you find the image quality acceptable or not acceptable.

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