Racial Hierarchy?

A funny thought while at the mall: ultimately, it doesn’t really matter what your racial makeup is, it is simply a heuristic, a stereotype, or a short hand shortcut for socioeconomic status and class.

For example, once upon a time in America, the notion of being “white“ was simply reserved for the original settlers; Anglo Saxon, British descendants, quaker protestant Christians.

For example, in the early days Germans, Polish people, the Irish were not considered “white“. Same goes with the Italians.

Being here in Vietnam, it is funny, there is a different type of racial hierarchy here. On top it seems like it is best to be a Korean, then maybe after that Japanese, then after that high class Vietnamese. And to simply be white“, to have call Tatian features, and a lighter pigment skin, it is mostly a marketing tactic; anybody who looks “White“, or seen as more adept English teachers.

However, what is it that everyone ultimately desires? War privilege, more power, more money, more influence. He or she with the most power and influence is seeing as supreme.

For example, better to be a Jay-Z or Beyoncé and be African-American, than to be a rich “white” person.

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