Tips for New Parents

Things I wish I knew as a first time parent:

  1. Sleep train your kid as early as possible. Ideally five months. The best technique is just let your kid cry it out.
  2. Goat milk is superior to cows milk.
  3. At an early age, feed your kid bone marrow, the food of the gods.
  4. Never ever ever ever ever let your kid watch YouTube. Uninstall it from your phone and your iPad.
  5. GarageBand on iPhone and iPad is one of the most virtuous instrument apps you could let your kid play with.
  6. Let your kid watch videos of themselves, on your iPhone Photos app.
  7. When going on road trips, in the car, or on long flights, in the early days, always put on at least two diapers.
  8. Don’t buy the cheap diapers. Spend the extra money and buy Pampers.