Don’t become too married to one type of weightlifting or one lift or programming timing

Just every day, at least once a day, get your ass in to the gym, whatever gym is close and convenient, and just do whatever is possible. Don’t be too married to any one style of lifting, or any one type of lift.

This is why it is bad to be a “powerlifter”, only focusing on the deadlift squat and bench press. Also the downside of being a “bodybuilder“, doing these boring and hateful reps in some sort of pseudoscientific program.

Then I suppose to take away point to real life is this:

Never get married to anyone school of thought, thinker, mode of doing things, heuristics, rules, even soft or hard.


Never following a routine, or is that way of doing things. Instead, always iterate based on the moment, and be in flux.