Do we acclimate to beautiful aesthetics?

Perhaps we do. And then the drive is to keep aspiring towards even greater, more beautiful aesthetics?

Aesthetics in the context of clothes, cars, women, men, human bodies, etc.

Therefore, the drive of the weightlifter and bodybuilder is towards forever making their body more beautiful?

For example, a bodybuilder is never satisfied with his aesthetics. Maybe this is a good thing.

Also, a weightlifter and powerlifter is never satisfied with his numbers, or how much he could lift. Therefore, the goal then is towards ever infinite gains, both beauty and strength wise.

Perhaps in the context of car design, this is the endless pursuit? To keep designing the car to look ever more beautiful. And this shall never end. And this is a good thing.

Even with Lamborghini cars, note how the design ever evolves. Same thing goes with Tesla cars.