How to Conquer the Fear of Vlogging

I know a lot of people who want to get into vlogging, but they are afraid. Why? Some thoughts:

1. Just focus on yourself

What I love about vlogging is that you could just point the camera at yourself, and just focus on yourself. All eyes on you.

2. Get loud

Another way you could conquer the fear of vlogging is practice getting really really loud, and intentionally drawing attention to yourself. For example, before you attempt to lift a very heavy weight at the gym, a new one repetition maximum (one rep max), get insanely loud. Scream, shout, hype yourself up.

3. Do not distract yourself with the LCD screen

I think the ideal vlogging tool is the GoPro mini. LCD screens are bad, because they distract you. Even when I am blogging with my iPhone or iPad, I just use the back camera, and turn the device towards me, so I do not see myself in the LCD screen. Why? I’ll see the screens distract you, And disrupt your flow. Furthermore, turn off all the annoying blinking lights, they are also huge distractions.

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