Life with no challenge danger or risk is not a life worth living

My three pillars of happiness:

  1. Challenge
  2. Risk
  3. Danger

If you want to be happier, or get more out of life, figure out how to further leverage these three things in your favor.

1. Challenge

You require a monster of a challenge, somethings so insanely high and epic, that the chance of not succeeding is high.

2. Risk

Like Jeff Bezos said, if you already know with 100% certainty that is going to work, it is not an experiment. In order to innovate, there actually needs to be a very high chance of failure.

3. Danger

Danger, the chance that something can go wrong. I think there are intelligent ways to leverage danger to your favor. For example, at the gym, attempting to lift or hold an insanely high weight, and the small chance that something might go wrong. Yet, the best way to leverage danger is to do dangerous things, but have double safety enabled.

For example, if you were attempting an insanely heavy squat, squat walk, or even squat hold, the intelligent thing is to both have safety pins enabled, and to have a spotter.