The Art of the Hype

Why is it that in modern times, we are not allowed to be or get loud?

Perhaps these neo Victorian ideals — one must be prim, proper, don’t take too much space or make too much noise.

But the hilarious irony in America:

Personality wise we cannot be loud and rambunctious, but we can drive the (very loud) Lamborghini and be admired.


We cannot walk around topless in public, but we can drive around in a convertible car.

It takes courage to be loud

In modern day life, to be loud, get mad, yell and scream is seen with fear. One is not allowed to “go apeshit” or “go bananas” in public. Or at home.

It is another form of social control. And consumerism and capitalism. You can buy the things which make you loud (your clothes, watch, car, etc) but you cannot do it “in real life” with your speech or activities.

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