Why do you want to recover “faster“?

I don’t really 100% understand steroids, but it seems that steroids are a healing agent. It speeds up your body’s ability to heal and rebuild itself. Therefore, you don’t just inject yourself with steroids and magically get buffer. Rather, it seems that the upside of steroids is that it allows you to frequent the gym more often, recovering quicker, heal quicker, and therefore get more gains quicker.

But the more philosophical question is this; why heal or recover quicker? For the sake of what?

My thought is that it is this line of thinking when it comes to capitalism, quick gains, quick growth, etc. However, it seems that it is actually better for your personal happiness to gain 1% every single day, for 120 years, instead of gaining 300% every day for only 10 years, and then lose all your gains. Note how depressed Ronnie Coleman must be, given the fact that he is still alive, and he is simply a shell of his former self. Having to live with that shame until he dies, maybe in the next 50 years, is hell.

There is this funny Jewish saying; the first generation earns the money, the second generation conserves it, and the third generation wastes it. Then the cycle repeats, ad infinitum.

For the most part, it seems that we humans like to see instant results. The joy of noticing a change, at a daily level.

The joy of just going to the gym is getting a creative boost, or a good bodily blood boost after frequenting the gym. For me, the joy is going to the gym and making new friends, shooting the shit, and the fun metabolic boost I get after going to the gym.

Even if I am not strong enough today to attempt a new personal record, that is OK. The joy of simply moving my body is the reward in itself!

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