Sweating won’t cause you to lose fat

The funny thing is that a lot of people try to do certain “cardio“ workouts, running, etc. in order to sweat, because for some reason they think that sweating causes want to lose fat. This is not the case.

It seems that the only real way to lose fat is to stop consuming any form of carbohydrates, sugars starches dairy, etc.

This means no more eating fruit, whether “natural” or not. No juice. No beer, no alcohol.

Also, no nuts. Even almonds. If you want to lose fat, stop eating almond butter. Eat beef ribs instead.

Also, only consume water, black coffee, green tea, Matcha green tea, black tea, etc. No coke zero, or any of these other nonsensical artificially sweetened “zero calorie” stuff.

No bread rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. No beans legumes or tofu.

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