What are steroids?

My theory on what steroids are; something that helps you recover quicker. Therefore, the obsession of bodybuilders on steroids, or powerlifters on steroids to frenetically go to the gym every single day, no matter what. For hours on end.

Also, apparently steroids are rampart in CrossFit as well. Whenever I look at people who are really into CrossFit, it seems the problem is that there is a glorification of pain, self suffering and overcoming, and having a work ethic to go to the gym every single day, at very very early hours.

What causes injury? Perhaps going to the gym too frequently, or working out too frequently. For example, maybe the negative biases that there’s so much injury in CrossFit is because they work out too frequently. Maybe people who go really really hard in CrossFit should just limit themselves to 1-3 times a week.

Even after doing my insanely epic 551 pound deadlift, actually, powing that high, perhaps my body needs at least a full two weeks to recover.Even after doing my insanely epic 551 pound deadlift, actually, powing that high, perhaps my body needs at least a full two weeks to recover.