How to Become a More Intrepid Photographer

Intrepid: not alarmed.

  1. Practice street photography every day. Just go to the mall or local downtown where there are other human beings. To improve your street photography skills, timing and ability to capture decisive moments, once a week on the weekends ain’t enough. Every day. Even the local Whole Foods, Costco is good to shoot street photography.
  2. Small camera: RICOH GR III/X. The best, smallest, most low key stealth camera.
  3. Get into powerlifting: One rep max sumo deadlifts, squats, and heavy dumbbell presses. Get your testosterone up (both men and women), and you will become less alarmed. The higher your testosterone is, the more calm you become and the less sensitive you are to fear. Same goes with eating more fatty meat (beef ribs).
  4. Spend money on intrepid adventures: Hiking, camping, traveling, even going to new places. Go to new coffee shops, restaurants, bars and bring along your camera. Spend money to go on road trips, pay for gas, hotels, Airbnb, etc.
  5. Delete instagram. The ultimate intrepid move you can do. Use instead or upload photos to your own WordPress blog.
  6. Put yourself out there: Promote yourself, put your skin and reputation and name on the line!
  7. Publish your stuff open source: Free and open PDF EBOOKS of your work. Don’t fear that people will “steal” your stuff.
  8. Get into crypto: Buy Bitcoin — will put some hair on your chest and make you more fearless.
  9. Block all camera and gear and gear review websites and rumor websites. Use a web browser blocker to block your websites which get in the way of your artistic thriving. Whenever tempted by a new camera, just set a 15 minute timer on your phone and walk around the block and make some photos.
  10. See your best photos as ahead of you and to come, not behind you.

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