We must go further.
Upon embarking on my 30,000 steps a day challenge the thought: range, long range is a good goal. For example, perhaps the best cars aren’t the fastest ones, but the ones with the longest range.
Why range?
What is the purpose of a car? Transportation. And the least amount of encumbrance is good. For example, the less frequently you need to fill up your gas tank, or recharge your car, the better.
What does it mean to be economical?
To me, economy means being able to do more with less. For example, being able to go further with fewer resources, or less time is best.
For example, let us say that you like road trips. I know for myself, when I’m driving long distances, and I’m in a good driving mood, I hate stopping for gas. I want to just keep going.
Even my friend who has a Tesla model 3– his range is quite good, yet the problem is when he is going on a road trip to this one location, he often is 50 miles short of electric range to get there. Therefore, before arriving at his final destination he needs to stop by a Tesla supercharger and wait around 30 minutes for another charge. And during the while, his baby is crying in the backseat. Not fun.
Even the Tesla model S, at 400 miles of range, is very impressive. Yet it seems that a lot of hybrid cars have broken the 600 mile range+ mark.
Therefore my practical take away with cars is this: buy a car according to range, ignore other factors like 0 to 60 times, and other things.
Also as a sidenote, it seems that white is the most economical color for a car, as it reflects maximum amount of heat, as it is easiest to keep clean, you don’t need to wash it as often as a black car. Also, your paint will last the longest especially if you live in the Southern California sun.
Range for your feet
More important than the range of your car is the range of your feet. The question: how many miles or steps can you walk in a single day, without fatigue or pain?
It seems to me, the optimal footwear is actually the most minimal. The most lightweight, with the least amount of foam and padding on the bottom, and zero drop. The best brands I’ve discovered include the Vibram five fingers brand, the L run brand on Amazon, or the fit kicks brand on Amazon.
And then with clothing and pants, I’ve discovered that merino wool leggings are the ideal pant. The most thin and lightweight, the better.
Camera range
Another idea we could think about cameras is this: how many photos can you shoot on a single SD card?
A simple idea is shooting small JPEG. The maximum image bang for the buck. I no longer shoot raw, only JPEG. And small JPEG seems ideal, as 3000 pixels wide seems to be the optimal file size in image dimensions.
Battery life range on a phone
Another thought: perhaps the best phone isn’t the most powerful phone, but the phone with the maximum battery life. Maybe the best iPhone is the iPhone with the most charge.