On getting the best out of both worlds

A thought: rather than thinking of just getting one or the other, for example gasoline versus electric, why not have both? For example, maybe plug in hybrid cars are the best cars, because they harness the best of both worlds? The convenience of gasoline, and the speed of refilling, with also the upside of being able to plug in your car for free at these EV charging stations?

Think both.

I believe in life you could have your cake and eat it too. We just need to be clever enough to figure out how.

For example, from a dietary perspective I really love intermittent fasting. Why? You can maximize fat loss and muscle gain at the same time. Just don’t eat before dinner, and at dinner time eat as much as humanly possible. Thus the irony is I am never really hungry.

Own both platforms

For example, not android or iOS, have both. Own both an iPhone and an android phone, in order to harness the maximum out of each technology.

Similarly speaking, it seems that most of my guy friends all have MacBook laptops, yet have a gaming PC at home. It looks like there are still some advantages to having a Windows device.

Open source, *and* closed source

For the most part, I believe in open-source everything. Yet, I still do admit that for some industries to thrive, some degree of having closed source is good.

For example, I am certain that a lot of the great innovations done by Apple wouldn’t be possible, if it were not for them being so closed and secretive.