The Photographics

The goal:

To never stop advancing in photography.

How to do this? Some thoughts:

1. Your photo philosophy reigns supreme

I am convinced: when it comes to photography, it isn’t about skill, the number of followers you got, etc. The most essential thing:

What is your photographic philosophy which underpins *why* and *how* and *when* you shoot photos?

Why shoot photos? As artistic self-expression. How shoot photos? With an open heart full of gratitude, joy, hope, and thanksgiving. When shoot photos? All day, every day, every single part of the even most minutae and everyday mundane things (your morning coffee, your morning routine, your afternoon activities, your trips to the grocery store, visiting the gym, loved ones, etc).

2. How does one form his or her own photographic philosophy?

In my eyes this is all quite simple:

You spend a long time disconnected from the rest of modern photographers and how they approach and do photography, and you use this moment of pause to reflect on photography for your self.

3. It is the year 2020… why are we still so basic with photography?

My general frustration:

We are soooo far into the future (the year 2020)… why hasn’t the photographic genre evolved much?

For example we still separate photographers from videographers. Nobody is doing anything with augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality or 360 cameras.

Also, we are still stuck in this ‘print is supreme’. Why not think the opposite– digital is supreme?

4. Harnessing more AI and artificial intelligence and machine learning to help us improve our photographic vision

In praise of ‘intelligent auto‘ on Panasonic Lumix cameras and other tools to help us see composition better in ‘real time’ (IRON MAN).

5. Photo-life integration

Not to separate your different identities or what you do. Rather, to integrate them. For example just shooting yourself lifting at the gym (squats, deadlift)