Get a 16 Inch MacBook Pro Touchbar Over the 13 Inch MacBook Pro Touch Bar


Simple thought:

If you are on the market for a new laptop, I recommend getting a maxed-out (refurbished) 16” MacBook Pro (from the Apple Refurbished online store) instead of buying the 13” MacBook Pro Touch Bar.

Why? Simple:

  1. The keyboard on the 16” is far superior to the 13” MacBook Pro Touch Bar. When I say superior I mean to say: Causes less carpal tunnel when typing. I love my 13” MacBook Pro Touch Bar to death, but I am realizing that the lack of cushioning in the keyboard causes carpal tunnel in my wrists, fingers, and joints.
  2. The cost differential (if you buy refurbished) isn’t *THAT* much. And also considering we are living in this mostly non-travel COVID world, you don’t really need a laptop which is *THAT* portable. No more coffee shop adventures with your laptop — it will probably be mostly parked at home. So then the trade-off of weight (the 16” MacBook Pro doesn’t feel that heavy, about the same weight as my old non-touch bar 13” MacBook Pro Retina screen).
  3. The screen is substantially bigger and also brighter. Looks waaaay better when viewing your own photos for your own personal pleasure full-screen.