Why Kowtow Down to the Design Aesthetics and Tastes of Others?

The bad trend:

Rather than following and listening to our own design aesthetics, we are always so quick to kowtow and bow down to the design trends and aesthetics of others.

For example, the “matte black” aesthetic has become quite in vogue now. But when I was a kid and teenager, I always thought it was really ugly. My ideal aesthetic was red car, black carbon fiber hood, carbon fiber trunk, and gold or bronze rims. Also all the kids at school who wore “goth” (all black) outfits were lame. Now to wear “all black everything” is the trend.

Even worse, it seems right now amongst teenagers and college kids the “90s” aesthetic is popular and cool. But I see it as really ugly. Even as a kid in the 90s growing up, I thought the aesthetic was ugly. I personally preferred the clothing aesthetics when I was in college (more form fitting clothes, more muscular build, kind of the “metro-sexual” look, but more masculine with a touch of femininity).