Nationality over Race

Eagle hand

If you live in America, you’re American. Period. It doesn’t matter if you were born here, immigrated here, or somehow ended up here. You’re American. If you’ve spent any time living in America, perhaps for at least 10 years, you’re American.

Why nationality?

Nation. Nationality. This is more accurate.

For example, my nationality (nation) is American. I was born here, raised here, grew up to Hot Pockets and Honey Nut Cheerios, and Costco hot dogs.

I pledge allegiance to the flag, to the United States of America

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I’m as American as white bread. I grew up in all public schools, and was in Boy Scouts, and became an Eagle Scout.

I grew up to hip hop music, American TV, and played American “football” in high school (outside linebacker sophomore year, inside linebacker senior year).

When people see me in the flesh, of course I look “Asian”(East Asian, Korean to be specific). But the thought:

In the Iliad, when it was the Greeks vs Trojans, everyone was seen as equally noble— it came down to one’s individual bravery and courage.

Even in ancient Greece — it wasn’t about “racism”, it was about dominance of certain regions, kingdoms, or peoples over other peoples:

We are all created equal, but through our industry and courage to we make ourselves