*BEYOND* the Racial Binary

Flesh tones women abstract ERIC Asian

We talk about a non-gender binary. Shouldn’t we also apply the same line of thinking to race?

Butter skin, olive oil skin, or dark chocolate skin?

Fist bump

What Pantone are you?

Apparently I am Pantone or hex “efd1b9”.

My flesh tone:

Pantone skin tone

For evolutionary perspectives, we all got different skin tones. East Asians got 4 distinct seasons (hot summer, mild autumn, very cold and snowy winter, and bright spring). Thus the Pantone of our skin must be a bit on the fair side (to absorb more Vitamin D or whatever).

But the question:

What does skin tone gotta do with our moral, ethical, or philosophical worth?


Call me red

What race am I? I’m red!

What is my genesis? My mom and dad. That’s it!

Why do we create binaries for things?

For example:

  1. Rich vs Poor
  2. Smart vs Dumb
  3. Apple vs Android
  4. Apple vs Microsoft
  5. Black vs White
  6. Man vs Woman

Nuance is key.

Nuance is the answer.