floor press ERIC KIM


From age 21 (when I started my first 9-5 tech job), I started to get really bad back pain (specifically lower-back pain). I since then got rid of it. How did I do it? My story:

1. Stop sitting

This is the big thing. Don’t sit. Better to lie on your back (on the hard floor), or to stand or better yet … to walk.

My ghetto standing desk at home. Laptop on top of bounty paper towels.
My ghetto standing desk at home. Laptop on top of bounty paper towels.

Also another pro tip:

If your job allows, use an iPad or iPhone to work while standing and walk around a lot.

Standing desks are good. Treadmill desks seem effective too. But best — just never sit. Better to squat.

2. Ass to grass squats, and sumo deadlifts

Sumo style deadlift is more efficient from a mechanical perspective. I’ve never used a belt, or straps and never will. Just mixed grip and some chalk whenever I deadlift more than 430 pounds.

When doing squats, go “aaa to grass”— Uber low to the ground. Asian squat style.

3. Yoga styled warmups and exercises are good.

Pigeon pose is epic.

I don’t do these tedious and boring hour-long yoga things. I just do it for like 30 seconds, and I move on.