Why do we prefer Foreign?

Often when it comes to design, cars, luxury goods, watches, etc — why is it that we prefer the foreign (Italian, French, Japanese)— and not local or domestic?

Is it perhaps a dissatisfaction with our own culture and locality — or is there some human desire towards the foreign?

Xenophobia vs Xenophilia

Xenophobia: fear and hatred of the foreign.
Xenophilia: love of the foreign.

It seems in modern society, amongst the educated population, there is a hunger and thirst for the foreign. We want foreign religions and forms of spirituality (Buddhism), we want to embark on foreign travels (India, Japan, Europe), and we generally prefer luxury foreign goods (Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Rolex, Ferrari, Lamborghini).

Then there is a bias that the “uneducated class”are closed minded and have too much domestic and local pride. But what if the “uneducated”individuals of Middle America are perhaps wiser (or as wise) as the “educated”class?

The ancient Greeks

For the ancient Greeks, there was a mutual respect for foreign cultures, but the ancient Greeks still preferred their own culture above all. They had no interest in foreign travels, foreign customs, and foreign foods. They didn’t see any superiority in the foreign (and often looked down on certain foreign forms of “degeneration”, like how the Spartans looked down on the luxuries of the ancient Persians).

Also to quote the book“Sapiens”, the ancient king of Egypt has ZERO interest in foreign travels. Egypt was the best place.

So certainly this notion of traveling to foreign places as being a “high class”activity is a socialized one, and a modern one.

The desire for foreign conquering

Perhaps our desire or interest of foreign “travel”comes from a spirit of conquest-exploration. We desire more resources and power, and therefore we explore new lands in order to conquer them, and to assimilate them to augment our power (perhaps this is the driving force behind colonialism).

Does it make sense to become extremely stubborn to support only domestic things?

A thought:

As an individual, does it make practical sense to only support domestic things (for example for me as an American preferring American things), or for me to simply select the best of what the world has to offer?

For example, speaking for myself — I am ultimately extremely proud of being Korean-American, Asian-American, American, Korean, etc. But ultimately, I’m on the personal search for the best of everything — and planet earth is my only boundary.

For example, I love Japanese Zen Aesthetics, prefer Ancient Greek philosophy, love German Bauhaus design, and American hip hop music and culture (Kanye).

For devices I prefer Apple (Steve Jobs American mass industry notion, paired with simplicity of Japanese Zen aesthetics, mixed with Jony Ive Bauhaus aesthetics). For technology I love all the American innovations (Amazon, Google, Uber).

In terms of food, living, and culture I prefer Mexico City and Saigon/Hanoi/Vietnam above all.

For camera design, Leica (German) is the best. For my favorite standalone camera, it is Ricoh (Japanese).

Seek what you consider the best.

We are not politicians. We are individuals with the whole world at the grasp of our hands.

Let us not be bounded. Free thinking, free living, and free selection of all the best in the world.

I’m in favor of hybrid systems, and synthesis. Why not take the best that exists on Earth, and cultivate yourself into perfection?

“Foreign” is planet Earth

Planet earth is big. Generally speaking, when we think of “foreign”, it is outside of our own community, town, city, nation, or borders.

My practical encouragement is this:

Don’t prefer the foreign simply because it is foreign. Seek THE BEST (irrespective of whether it is foreign, domestic, or a hybrid of both).


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