Life is Fractal

To better understand growth, biology, life, composition, and energy — perhaps we should study fractals, science, math, and physics.

What’s a fractal?

Fractal: self-similar biological growth pattern. Or the idea that the parts are similar to the whole.

Mathematical proportions

Balanced yet asymmetric

The ultimate dynamic form:

Understandable yet infinitely mysterious

The math of beauty

Zeno’s Paradox

No matter how much you zoom into a fractal, it will always look like itself (at different magnifications). The notion of “self similarity”.

From Wikipedia

For example if you look at a rugged mountain range from an airplane looking down, it will look very similar to a rock on the mountain range zoomed in 1000x.

It’s turtles all the way down.

In pop culture:

  1. To continually “enhance”any image, it will kind of look the same at all magnifications.
  2. “Inception”
  3. Russian dolls (recursion — smaller dolls fit within bigger dolls).