The Greatest Possible Economy

Perhaps we can thrive and achieve our apex of strength if we embrace the notion of the “greatest possible economy”?

For example, to become a stronger writer, employ a greater economy of words. That means, have more power in fewer words (consider the density of strength in haiku poetry).

Or for example at the gym, don’t strive to spend more time in the gym. Strive to maximize your workout in the smallest possible time (powerlifting “1 rep max” style. One workout per gym session. Whole workout takes less than 30 minutes).

Or with cars, strive to purchase or use a car with the greatest possible economy in terms of size (smaller is better), gas or electricity efficiency (in praise of hybrid and electric cars). Cheaper to purchase, easier to maintain, less cost to maintain, and easier to park (you can find more parking spots, less time circling the block). Better yet don’t own a car (just Uber everywhere instead).

With cameras, the smallest possible camera, the most powerful, and the most affordable (RICOH GR III). Second best is probably iPhone.

With travel, greatest possible economy (only carry one backpack, only one change of clothes [all black merino wool everything], one camera, one device). Lightweight is the closest thing to godliness.