Why Give More?

If we envision the entrepreneur as someone who creates our of hyper-abundance and super-abundance, certainly the entrepreneur must be the ultimate GIVER!

The giving entrepreneur

Los Angeles, 2019 #21mm
Los Angeles, 2019 #21mm

A difficult question to answer:

Why give more?

First of all, it seems that the more we give, the more we receive in return. Now, the purpose of us giving isn’t to receive. We give out of super-abundance. However it does seem that the logical consequence of us giving much is us receiving much.

Thus, don’t give in order to receive. Give because you want to share your inner-dopeness with others! And keep giving without exhaustion. And as a consequence of continually giving, you will receive more. And the more you receive, the more you can continue to give!

Life is about giving (and taking/appropriating)

Little Tokyo. Los Angeles, 2019 #21mm
Little Tokyo. Los Angeles, 2019 #21mm

Certainly life is about growth, becoming more powerful // becoming “more”.

A tree can only grow bigger by appropriating more from the environment. To draw out more moisture from the air, nutrients from the ground, etc. The roots grow deeper, and the branches grow taller, and the tree strives to absorb the maximum amount of light from the sky.

I wonder if we humans operate in the same way. Of course there is a fixed limit to our physical growth (at least in terms of height, not width). But we can continually put on more muscle mass, and continue to grain physical strength. And in order to do that, we must consume more resources, eat more meat, and put forth more physical effort.

Thus, it is necessary for us to take/appropriate in order to grow. We must consume in order to become stronger.

But the point ain’t to simply take for the sake of taking. The point is to take in order to grow, and in order to give!