To curate your photos means to create a series of photos that you care about.
Also, the word “curious” is also derived from the word care. Which means, when you’re curious about something it means you care enough/interested enough about it that you’re willing to explore it more, and perhaps take a small risk in order to do so!
Affirming beauty

Life is short. Why use your life to uncover ugliness? Isn’t it better to dedicate your life to create art works which affirm life and which uncover the beauty of life?

For myself, I want to create art works which motivate, inspire, and uplift others. Photographs and art works which help us discover more beauty in our everyday lives, and also for us to transform and deify reality as being beautiful, and worthy of eternal affirmation.

Beautiful photos
What is a beautiful photograph? A photograph which gives you vigor, energy, and hope. A beautiful photograph is like an energizing tonic — it motivates and encourages you…dare I even say, improve you?

Making artworks which inspire and motivate yourself
In praise of self-motivated art:
Make art works which give you more strength and joy in your own life.

Never stop making!