What if You Didn’t Let Fear Govern You?

We are slaves to fear, and for the most part (unfortunately in modern times), most of our actions and how we live is based on fear.

Get a good job that pays a lot of money and has a bunch of prestige, because of the fear you’ll “let down” your parents, fear of being seen as “unsuccessful” by your peers, and the fear of going broke and not being able to pay the bills.

Take protein shakes, powder, supplements, nutrients, lifting shoes, belts, knee wraps,— for fear that you won’t be “maximizing your gains”, or the fear that you will recover slower, or the fear that you will hurt or injure yourself.

Answer all your emails/social media/news/feeds and always check it, because of fear you might lose out on “opportunities”, that you might upset others, or lose out the chance to build your clout, following, or to earn more money.

What if we lived a life not based on fear but rather, inner prompting and our inner passion/enthusiasm?

Not to act in our lives to prevent fearful outcomes, but to act in accordance with joyful outcomes?

Joy of action, not action prompted on fear.

We wear certain clothes, outfits, and follow certain trends because we are afraid of getting teased for being ‘un-cool’.

We act in socially-predictable ways, because we are afraid of ‘offending’ others, or ‘ruffling the feathers’ of others. Thus, even our human-interactions become more generic and boring.

We repeat the same successful formulas of the past, because we are afraid of ‘failing’. Thus, our spirit of innovation is hindered.

We use social media because we are afraid that we are losing the opportunity to maximize our reach and influence. 

We invest in certain technologies (new phones, cameras, devices) because we are fearful that by not having the newest and greatest, we will be at some sort of disadvantage.

We send our kids to private schools, out of the fear that they will meet ‘bad influences’ in the public system, or the fear that our kids won’t be as “competitive” and “miss out on opportunities” if they don’t have the ‘best of the best’ education.

A non-fear based approach to living

My proposal:

Instead of living our lives in a way to PREVENT ourselves from ‘missing out’, or being at a ‘disadvantage’ (fear-based living), let us instead live in a more positive, life-affirming way. A life based on excitement, courage, and (fun) risk-taking!

Let us recognize, realize, and affirm that we must REJECT, say “NO”, and IGNORE much in order to accomplish, do, and innovate much.

No more fear; only cheer!