As Late as Possible

A philosophy:

In life, decide as late as possible.

This notion comes from principles of ‘lean software development‘, generally originating from the Toyota Production System (‘just-in-time manufacturing‘ philosophy).

What I combat against is this notion that you must always decide anything in life right away. I personally believe in ‘purposeful procrastination‘ — the knowledge that once you make a decision, you cannot reverse it. Thus, you should purposefully procrastinate on making a decision as long as humanly possible, and to finally decide ‘as late as possible’, and once you make that decision in life– you stick firmly with your decision.

Bayesian living

In the notion of ‘Bayesian inference’, we adjust our probability of a certain hypothesis as certain (new) information comes along.

Extrapolated to living our everyday lives, perhaps we should also live in a ‘Bayes’ way–

To ‘go with the flow’, to adjust our daily schedules according to how we feel, our energy levels, and as unanticipated things come up.

In other words:

Don’t plan your whole day in advance. Fine to have a general structure of the day, but stay flexible, nimble, and adjust your life based on new information which comes your way.

Follow your gut/inner-promptings

Never ‘force’ yourself to do anything contrary to your own will.

Obey your inner-gut, and follow your own inner-promptings. Don’t let the notions of “guilt”, “responsibility”, or “duty” guide your life.

Listen to you, follow you, and obey you.