Don’t Be a Romantic

Kyoto. Cindy, 2017
Kyoto. Cindy, 2017

Don’t be a romantic for the past. Wishing things to never change. Fearing death. Feeling nostalgia for your childhood, or the “good old days”.

Rather, love change. Love dynamic change. Hate the static.

Still revere and respect the past and classics. But don’t be a slave to the last.

Utilize modern-day technologies, but with a skeptical eye.

Don’t jump on the hype band-wagon, but don’t be a digital Puritan or Luddite either.

Utilize the positive tools which promote CREATION and PRODUCING ART. Hate social media, games, and “free” apps that hijack your brain, attention, focus, and tries to get you to click a screen for hours on end.

Avoiding doing work that am artificial intelligence (AI) or bot can do. In photography, asking yourself:”Can an AI take this same picture?

Kyoto selfie with Cindy. Reflection, 2017
Kyoto selfie with Cindy. Reflection, 2017

The “good old days” sucked more than you remember. We always see the past with sepia-tones glasses.

So friend, love the present, be excited about the future, and don’t live on the past. Don’t be afraid of change. Build your own future, and write your own history today.