Dear friend,
Photography and life is fleeting.
Inspired by Cindy’s film, “To the Eric I Know”— Cindy brings up this concept that “Life is fleeting.”
It is. Everyday we are slowly dying. At best, we will live to be 100. Most of us will die in our 80s. Maybe earlier, in our 50s, 60s, or 70s from cancer or heart disease. Or you might die tomorrow in a car crash.
Anyways, we are not immortal. We will die.
What can become immortal?

But what has the possibility of staying “immortal”?
- Our genes and DNA that we pass onto our children, and hopefully our children pass down.
- The information we have created in our art, poetry, photos, books, etc.

I think as humans, we have a duty to help our fellow human beings in today’s world, but also to help serve future generations.
One way we can do that is by seeking to make classic, or TIMELESS photos.
How can we make timeless photos?
Ask yourself, what will NOT change in humanity 300 years from now? Love of family, friends, fear in life, joy, love for coffee, sense of exploration play and wonder, as well as love for aesthetics, beauty, and emotional photos.
For me, if you want to make timeless photos, this is what I think you should focus on:
- Documenting your own personal life and family (PHOTO JOURNAL). You are the best person to document all the joys, and hard times… to find more meaning in life.
- Portraits of other human beings, via street photography, or any type of portraiture. Why? Humans will always be interested in other human beings.
- Honor thy selfie: Make self portraits of yourself, to immortalize your own self.