Cheers to another assignment wrapped and here’s a new one to keep everyone in Streettogs Academy moving, shooting, and perhaps for this assignment, following the beat!
When I got Matan’s email with his idea for this assignment, I immediately jumped on it because it has everything I like for a great assignment: a visual arts technique that anybody can add to their repertoire and it can be interpreted in multiple ways.
Rhythm in visual arts to connote a sense of movement in the image through repetition. For it to be effective, you need to have some (but not limited) elements that alternate, or elements in the frame that has progression. Of course all of this has to benefit your point of interest. You still need to have your subject be the star of the image and not just rhythm for rhythm’s sake.
And since Rhythm is so closely related to music, it can be another way to approach this assignment. The groove of the street, the sounds of the city, and how everyone seem to move. If you can make your audience hear the music of the streets with your photo alone, well sir/ma’m you are on the right track!
Here are the mechanics:
- Upload your photos interpreting the theme on the designated assignment album in the facebook page
- No words and captions, just your name, and place where you took the photo.
- On the comment on your own photo, post a link to your site (flickr, tumblr, webpage etc.) so that your photo would easily appear on the group’s feed. (Please do it only once)
- Feel free to use film, digital, instant film (polaroid/instax), mobile phones, etc. Any Camera will do
- Keep the file appropriate for web viewing (at least 72 dpi), no need for super hi-resolution.
Other things to know:
- We encourage you to shoot during the duration of the 2 weeks instead of raiding your archives.
- It should go without saying but please post photos that you own.
- This assignment will run from Aug 20 to Sept 3, 2015
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions or clarifications in the group page.
- Be open to learning, get up to the challenge, and of course have fun doing it!