The recently concluded Assignment No. 4 yielded a lot of great and creative executions which you can view again here. Thanks again to everyone who joined and to Bertrand Domas who gave us that assignment. Moving on, it’s Editor’s choice Florin Ghebosu‘s turn to give us our assignment for the coming weeks! It is something very timely that fits on the spooks and spoils that occur during the end of October:
In Florin’s words:
It’s a part of everybody’s life, especially in the childhood. It’s one of the most important feelings in our life :), it can change us, it can manipulate us, sadly..and it’s a feeling that will never let us free.
Excellent choice from Florin since it’s Halloween! Try to capture and interpret fear in different ways. Show people who are afraid, show people succumbing to fear, fighting fear, or universal symbols of fear. Be creative as possible!
Also take this opportunity to go to a street party during Halloween. For those who are still shy about shooting strangers, an environment where everyone is having fun is a very friendly atmosphere. People are in costume and are there to show off, try practicing street portraiture of the spooky characters, or people reacting to costumes and whatnot. Just don’t forget it still has to fall in this week’s theme of fear!
Here are the mechanics:
- Upload your photos interpreting the theme in the designated assignment album!
- No words and captions, just your name, and place where you took the photo.
- On the comment on your own photo, post a link to your site (flickr, tumblr, webpage etc.) so that your photo would easily appear on the group’s feed. (Please do it only once)
- Feel free to use film, digital, instant film, mobile phones, etc. Any Camera will do
- Keep the file appropriate for web viewing (at least 72 dpi), no need for hi-resolution.
Other things to know:
- We encourage you to shoot during the duration of the 2 weeks instead of raiding your archives.
- It should go without saying but please post photos that you own.
- This assignment will run from Oct 21 to Nov. 4 2014
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions or clarifications in the group page.
- Be open to learning, get up to the challenge, and of course have fun doing it!