Streettogs Gallery Feature: “Surreally” by Nico Chiapperini

Eric’s Note: Streettogs Gallery is an on-going feature and intiative by Manila-based street photographer A.G. De Mesa. Check out more info here.

AG: Photography is nothing without seeing. The light, colors, shadows, contrasts, patterns. Human life in general. And it is in seeing that a good photographer will be able to replicate what was seen in a photograph.

This is one of those works that really invites you to just see.

One of the greatest attempts of street photography is to make the mundane become interesting. Those can be achieved by juxtapositions, timings, light control, and gestures. The use of those techniques gives respect to what Bresson did in defining the genre. Bringing out visually chaotic elements that are seemingly normal but since a frame was placed to put the elements in order, it becomes something else. The best of them however, makes it surreal.

Nico having an entire series on surreal scenes is a great feat. So I want to challenge streettogs out there to not just make the regular scene into something special but make those images reflect your own vision of the everyday like Nico did.

Here is Nico Chiapperini’s words on this work:

“Surreally is a collection that shows strongly the magic and absurdity in everyday life.

There is a fictional and fantastic world outside which is indeed real. You do not need to set up any stage: just grab your camera, walk in public places and start your hunting. There are some events, such as a festival or a carnival, where it is easier to find uncommon situations, but basically surreal images are everywhere if you know how to see and if you are open and ready for that.

Every street photographer is an acrobat who walks on a tight rope, balancing what he seeks and what he happens into by chance.”

I really like Nico’s style so do check out and get lost in his portfolio where you can also purchase some prints. He also has another series with a very  introspective approach over at F8 magazine called moments in between which was also featured over at LPV

Keep sending in your works and click here for more information on how to get featured in the #streettogs Gallery.

What do you think about this work by Nico? Aside from surrealism, what other art movements do you think would be great for street photography? Feel free to share your thoughts below! 

AG: Apologies for the delay. Day Job responsibilities are getting heavier . Rest assured that I still read, look, and study all the works everyone submits :) Thank you.

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