How to Practice Shooting Selfies of Yourself at Home

If you’re stuck at home, bored and want to practice composition, give selfies a go:

Selfies rule everything around me

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Never stop studying your selfie

Selfie ERIC KIM yellow

Analyze your selfies

Composition ideas

Some quick ideas. First idea: look to the side of the frame:

Head on bottom of the frame and look up

Tips and ideas

Chin up

  1. Shoot a lot. Experiment with both black and white *and* color
  2. Shoot from different angles and perspectives: low angle, high angle. Move your head while shooting.
  3. Try both horizontal and vertical orientations with your camera.

Don’t be shy.

You’re just shooting your self. Why be shy?

While practicing your composition, sketch your images on iPad, iPhone or whatever tool

Color vs black and white

Certainly there are different vibes with color and monochrome. As a general rule:

Monochrome feels more “artsy”, whereas color is more “true to life”.

You choose.

What new things can you discover about your selfie?