Why Art?

Why make art?

  • ERIC KIM abstract art

To me, to make art is to become a Demi-god. To realize that most human needs are simple and petty. Most human consumer desires are basic, and boring. Far more interesting to be a creator, generator, and producer than a passive consumer, swallower, and downloader.

Simple thoughts:

  1. Better to upload than download. Spend 90% of your life uploading digital art works, information and substance and only 10% downloading or steaming stuff. Netflix as the new soma.
  2. To create, hack, edit, transfigure, modify is far more interesting and meaningful than just having some sort of “aesthetic taste” when it comes to your consumerist behaviors. For example, we all know Tesla is the coolest car, as well as the Lamborghini, or a Porsche 911 Turbo, or a McLaren, or a Koenigsegg. But to just buy it takes no skill or artistic power. To create is far more fun and interesting.
  3. We all know the iPhone is the apex phone and mobile device. However, to just buy it takes no skill. More skill and interest in getting a (cheap) Android device and hacking it and modifying it (rooting it, installing a custom OS, etc).

What is art anyways?

Long story short, art is anything you do with purpose, meaning and creative force and power.