Towards a New Aesthetic of Man

The strange thing with modern times:

We intellectuals, free thinkers and free spirits are not allowed to indulge our body. We are not allowed to look like the Spartans of the movie 300 (or the Greek demigods etched in marble).

Why this bias?

Why does everyone look so feeble and sickly?

Front selfie

A trend I witness:

Modern man looks weak, flabby, and sickly.

Furthermore —

The new male aesthetic is this: look bored, apathetic, don’t eat meat, be super naïf-skinny, maybe have a little gut, have some sort of blank look in your face, and don’t show passion or expressions.

Why this bias exists

No more belief in the body. The nonsensical idea that the body can be split from the mind, and the mind can somehow be “uploaded to the cloud” one day. I am anti all these “singularity” thinkers who have hijacked the modern day discourse. Furthermore, it seems that we still believe in Christian morality:

Thou shalt not be exceptional and make others feel bad about themselves!

In other words, the new commandment is towards meekness and mediocrity.