My thought:

When it comes down to it… it all comes down to being open or closed.

Open or closed-minded. Open source or closed source. Open borders or closed borders.

The significance of open vs closed

Certainly there are benefits of being open vs closed.

Apple is a closed system and their products are 1000x superior to that of Google (iOS is far superior to Android in terms of aesthetics, simplicity, and elegance).

However the question is:

Who will last? Who will conquer the planet?

Elitism or mass numbers?

Certainly Google is winning in terms of mass adoption. But — Apple is winning to capture the hearts of the rich and elite in society.

The question:

Which is the superior model?

Is elitism still compatible with democracy, open access, etc?

Steve Jobs did it pretty well. What he did was:

Create things for the masses, at a more elite price.

Great innovator. Kanye is doing the same with clothing, fashion and sneakers:

Yeezy sneakers are expensive, but still far cheaper than buying a new iPhone, new watch, etc.

My ambition

My simple ambition is this:

Make my name [ERIC KIM] last for at least 300 years.