Don’t let others lord over you; lord over yourself!

Anti-resentment in life


What is the worst? When we don’t feel like we have control over our own lives, or over ourselves.

I believe the best way to extract the maximum in life is to NOT be put into a position in which you resent others or reality.

Thus, we need to position ourselves and design our life in order for us to NOT resent others, and certainly not to resent ourselves (or resent reality).

How not to resent

Resentment is revenge. Resentment is a hidden dagger to have revenge on others, reality, or perhaps even yourself. We resent when we don’t have power to change things.

Do you respect yourself?


How high do you put your needs? Do you put your own needs ABOVE others, or BELOW others? Perhaps this is the guide.

If you put your own personal needs above others, you will thrive, and NOT be resentful in life. If you put your personal needs BELOW others, you will end up eventually feeling a hidden resentment towards those who you are ‘helping’, because others will never be fully or maximally grateful to your help towards them.

The goal


The ultimate goal:

  1. Self-development of yourself to your personal maximum (and beyond)
  2. Ability to be focused and self-centered on yourself with a good conscience.
  3. Putting your own needs, wants, and desires ABOVE others, because you recognize that you are lofty and high.
  4. Don’t allow others to bully you into feeling guilty. Stoic hardness and ignoring others.

You’re strong enough!