Consume More Art, Philosophy, and Ideas

I’ve been very happy lately — currently settled here in Providence, Rhode Island and been able to hit the gym (at least) once a day. I’m the strongest I’ve ever been physically, the most muscle mass, and the highest weight I’ve been.

This is something I’ve noticed physiologically:

The way I’ve been able to get stronger is to eat more meat, attempt more, and spend time to recover/augment my muscles.

Which makes me wonder:

In order for us to become a stronger artist, perhaps we must also eat and consume more meaty and invigorating art works, philosophy, knowledge, science, and ideas of all kinds.


To become a polymath is to become wise and skilled in many things. Leonardo da Vinci as inventor, scientist, painter, artist, and political-war advisor.

If you desire to become a polymath, certainly you cannot just trap yourself in one thing or genre. You must consume ALL forms of knowledge.

What should we consume?

If you desire to augment your strength and become stronger, the optimal solution is to eat much meat and protein. You don’t want to eat junk food.

Similarly with art — perhaps we should only eat the best art works. The meatiest.

Generally the classics are the best. Also like a nice wine, the older, the better.

For example for literature and poetry, The Iliad by Homer. For tragedy and plays Euripides. For philosophy Heraclitus. For poetry Horace.

Consume the best art, best ideas, and best philosophy to become stronger!